VMIAC welcomes our new CEO

VMIAC is pleased to announce Vrinda Edan‘s appointment to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) role.

On behalf of the Committee of Management (CoM) and staff we congratulate Vrinda and warmly welcome her.
Over the last months, VMIAC has conducted an extensive recruitment process to find our new CEO.

This has included an independent recruitment consultant, rigorous scouting and in-depth interviews. The selection panel included two CEOs from comparable organisations, myself, and current CoM member and former chair, Simon Katterl.
The panel formed the view that Vrinda is very well placed to lead VMIAC into its next phase of development as the statewide consumer peak – consolidating what has been achieved and building from there.   
Vrinda’s knowledge of the sector, extensive management experience, including with lived-experience staff, academic contributions, and enduring commitment to evolving the consumer movement and consumer perspectives make her well-suited for the role of CEO of VMIAC.
VMIAC welcomes the stability and certainty of finding our new long-term leader.

Vrinda will offer a thoughtful and rich approach to leadership both internally and externally. She will continue strengthening our relationships with members and consumers while working closely with allies to make change that matters!  

Vrinda is also well able to effectively support the CoM as we continue to strengthen VMIAC’s governance processes.   
Interim CEO arrangements remain in place until Vrinda joins us on August 5.

Thank you

Heather Pickard, Chair of VMIAC Committee of Management

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