Category: News

Worksafe Mental Health


Mental health often been treated as less important then physical health within the workplace. In response work safe vic are hosting consultations to the public to address these shortcomings and

CEO Update with Craig Wallace | 14th of February 2022


It is a new year and there is a lot on at VMIAC. This year is for our members. Want to be more involved with VMIAC, well watch this weeks

YPARC Consultation


Late Notice Consultation! Workshops for young people and their families, carers and supporters about the experience of YPARCs   As part of the new reform of Victoria’s Mental Health and Wellbeing System, the

VMIAC Awards 2021 Highlights


The 2021 VMIAC Awards was an exciting event that celebrated consumers and their allies and the work they have done to champion the rights and lived experience of their peers.

CEO Update with Craig Wallace 20th of December 2021


The end of the year is upon us, and we are working on wrapping a few things up for the new year. Watch this weeks CEO Update to hear about

Discrimination and Mental Health Position Paper


On world Human Rights day we are drawing attention to the the discrimination regularly faced by Mental health consumers. These experiences not just causes harm, but drastically impact the outcomes

CEO Update with Craig Wallace and Fiona Reidy


Tune in for this weeks CEO update featuring VMIAC CEO Craig Wallace, and Deputy CEO Fiona Reidy as they both go over some of the exciting things you can get

VMIAC CEO Update with Craig Wallace


Watch this weeks CEO Update to find out about paid workshop opportunities, as well as some important news about proposed constitutional amendments at this years AGM. Click here to register

CEO Update with Craig Wallace | 12.11.21


A week after the awards, and only a bit to go before the AGM, there is so much going on at VMIAC. Watch this weeks CEO update to find out

Mary O’Hagan as the Victorian Government’s first Executive Director of Lived Experience.


VMIAC is excited to hear of the appointment of Mary O’Hagan as the Victorian Government first Executive Director of Lived Experience. Mary O’Hagan has been a leading voice in the

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