Consumer Advocacy Service

Telephone info & advocacy service

Opening Hours: 9.30 AM – 4.30 PM, Monday – Friday
Phone: (03) 9380 3900
Mail: PO Box 59 Somerton VIC 3062

If you or someone you know are using hospital-based mental health services in Victoria, click here to find out how to get support!

This free service is for people with lived experience of mental health challenges who want information or short-term, non-legal advocacy about:

  • Issues with mental health services
  • Issues with community organisations related to your experience of mental health or emotional challenges
  • Your rights in relation to your mental health

VMIAC’s Consumer Advocacy Service directly works with consumers. If you are a support worker or carer, please have the person you are supporting contact us so we can help them

All of our advocates have lived experience as mental health consumers, so we really get it.

To access this service, you need to:

  • Live in Victoria
  • Identify as someone who has a lived experience of mental health challenges and/or emotional distress.
  • Be aged 18 or older

Additional Resources

If you’re looking to find out more about your rights as a voluntary consumer, check out our Just Saying Resources by clicking here!

You can also access the Health Complaints Commissioner here

Other Advocacy Organisations

If you are a carer looking for advocacy and support, click here to contact Tandem.

If you are on a compulsory treatment order, click here to contact IMHA.

The Victorian Homeless Line is open 24/7; contact them at 1800 825 955.

The aim is for consumers who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to call this number and be linked directly to their local housing service provider.

We may not always be the best advocacy service for every issue, but we can refer you to other advocacy agencies with expertise if needed.

You can also check out this online list of disability advocacy organisations across Victoria.

These are some common advocacy issues we can support you with:

  • Making sure your choices are considered by your doctor, psychiatrist or treating team and other support organisations
  • Navigating complaints processes with mental health services
  • Making an advance statement

Note: We are not able to advocate about personal matters between individuals.

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